Saturday, December 23, 2006

Why should we trust W?

Here we go. The talking heads are softening us up for the next great theory of the enemy and how we deal with our involvement in Iraq. Let me preface my remarks. I do not think that the real terrorists are some how romantic reincarnations of the revolutionary forefathers of our country. They are thugs out and out. They are being used by powers much bigger than themselves as mercenaries in a world wide contest for power and prestige. The United States has the big target on its back because we are the biggest game in town.

On the other hand, we now know that to defeat this kind of force we need to selectively attack them in their holes and camps, not attack whole countries. Our efforts in Iraq have done nothing but hurt us in our effort to deal with terrorists of any stripe. Than there is the definition of insanity, which is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

In an effort to look as if we are not standing in the middle of the highway blinded to inactivity by the lights of an on coming truck, we ponder our future. This next move is being run up the pole by the pundits, columnists and self appointed experts. After years of sending a lean mean force into Iraq, we are admitting, not that we were wrong, but the situation on the ground has changed such that we need more troops in Iraq. We are being assured that these troops would be a short term run up merely to secure Baghdad and the surrounding area until the Iraq army and police forces can be brought up to speed so they can take over the security responsibility. The time frame, depending on who you listen to, is two to ten years.

We can't talk to the Syrians and Iranians about helping us because they are the problem in the area and negotiating with them would be admitting we are desperate. The linkage they would demand on other issues for their assistance would be too high a price and not in the interest of the American people.

We can't withdraw unilaterally because the Iraq's are not ready to maintain their own security, therefore and I hesitate to use this characterization, but let's face it, it is what it is, we are going to stay the course.

Election results are behind us. Baker - Hamilton is yesterdays news. We are going to do what Bush always does. We're going to keep on doing the same thing and maybe even more of it until this madman is out of office and we have complete and total change of command. And why would we expect any different? Bush has consistently said one thing and done another and the Democrats have never been able to offer an alternative. Bush the uniter, the decider, the leader will continue to lie to us as long as he is in office.

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