Saturday, December 02, 2006

Precious Moments

I had about an hour with my daughter this week. She was enroute from a visit with her mother to Montreal where she lives. We met at the airport before her flight.

We didn't talk about anything that profound. We exchange e-mail and phone calls on an eradic schedule. We ddn't talk about many things we don't cover in our other exchanges, but we were together for the first time in years.

I have always been proud and a little bit envious of Mary. She has done much of which she
has wanted to do in life by applying her intelligence and courage to her life plan. She is still youthful in her appearance and outlook on life. This has given her a lot of latitude. If there is a price she's paid for globetrotting and seemingly rootless life it escapes me. She has choosen not to have children, but that is a personal decision that I support and she seems not to regret.

She has a partner that is as dedicated to her as she is to him. She has the family backing her up and she has a glamorous career. Mary has acquired enough life experience and adventure that I find I can learn quite a bit from her, so our relationship has become more reciprocal.

As I wrote her this morning, the only thing wrong with a short meeting, like we had this week, is that it makes me miss not having more of them

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