Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some Days Are Better Than Others

Yesterday I had a pretty tight schedule. After I dropped Maria off at work, so I could have the car, David, our handyman had to be admitted to the building. We discussed the work that had to be done. I was than required to listen to laundry list of all of the things that could go wrong when he started the tasks I asked him to do. David has to do this because he is an honest man and he doesn't want to surprise me with anything. I think he feels it's better to paint a picture of gloom and doom and than let the sunshine in later.

I had to go to the clinic and have a test. This is part of my ongoing effort to find out what to do about the pain in my right foot. This test didn't take long and soon I was back home listening to more of the problems we might incur by snaking out the drain in the bath tub. Our plumbing is ancient so many of David's concerns revolve around getting replacement parts or totally replacing whole sections of plumbing stuff.

Leaving David to his tasks and I moved on to my biggy of the day. I had to put up a website on the host server. Maria and I had designed the site for her client and they expected it to be on the Internet that day.
My first effort failed and I could not figure out why. I went through the log in procedures again. F*%#@K!!! I admit I have no patience for these things. After e-mailing the support desk at the host, I made lunch.

David has found something else that might turn to into a disaster. "Corrosion", he said. I assisted by monitoring water flow while he snakes the drain. So far so good. I finish my lunch.

Back on the computer, I get an answer from my site host. This quick response does not surprise me since I've always received good service from these guys ( His advice however does not get the desired results. I double check and e-mail him again.

My problem is a job ticket with a number now. My ticket will be picked up by the tech that doesn't have a job at the moment, so I'm not necessarily dealing with the same support person every time. This can be a good thing. One person may see something the other didn't. This time it works that way, but again the new advice doesn't work. I e-mail them again and go on to another task.

I write this brilliant biographical memory of seeing Willie Mays play in the minor leagues and than again in the major's. I do the research and find out that I was older when I saw him play in Minneapolis and my article is good a good story, but not as factual as I thought. Than I discover that what I really wanted to write about was my memories of being with my Dad when I was a boy and the article begins shinning again.

David finishes and the bill is a lot less than what I thought it was going to be. Maybe it's because none of the disasters that David envisioned happened and he finished in less time than he budgeted. I'm getting pissed at my good friends at the Host server company.

I decide to put the whole thing aside and maybe just veg in front of the tube. I watched CSI, the good one with Petersen and Helgenberger, but I can't get the problem with the website out of my head. Gill bags the bad guy and Brass admits he killed his fellow police officer and the widow forgives Brass, AND WHY IN THE HELL WON'T THAT GOD %&()*%%*()_Website go up on the Web?

I sat down at the computer. I tried a new strategy. No luck. I thought to myself, I work on two other sites in this same software with the same host company, what's different? I looked at the upload section of one of the other sites and I noticed a pattern in the assigned user names. I looked at my new site and it hit me, I was missing one digit in the numerical expression of the user name. I went back to the new site, put in the missing digit and boom it went up like a hot air balloon on a calm day in Taos, New Mexico.

I slept well last night.

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