Friday, February 16, 2007

A Visit from The Little People

In the grand scheme of things grandchildren are one of the pleasures of life. Yeah, I know all of the cliches about grandparents. We spoil or grandchildren because we can. We can enjoy them and than send them back home to their parents. We can get a measure of revenge on our kids by siding with the grand-kids.

"So, Devon, how much allowance do you get?"

"Gee, that doesn't sound like much. I think you should get more. You are expecting a car and full ride at the college of your choice, aren't you?"

But the real joy is looking at these little blank pages writing their future. First of all, let's be clear about something. Every bodies grandchild is bright, cute, talent and inquisitive. The filed is pretty much even, if only in the minds of the individual grandparent. Since, for the most part they are an extension of ourselves, of course, they are just the greatest grand-kids ever. I beg you to remember that most serial killers had grandparents. However, most kids don't exhibit that kind of behaviour until they become older when they have completely blinded their grandparents to their faults.

Grandparents are suppose to be a persons where kids can go when they feel that no one else is listening to them. I'm not suggesting that grandparents undermine their kids authority, but some times just listening can go along way to quelling the fears of a child feeling that they are not heard. Parents after all have a lot more to worry about than the minute by minute concerns of their children. Grandparents, on the other hand, have nothing else to do but swoop in at the right moment to console the abused and neglected grandchild.

This week, we are entertaining our grand-kids while mom and dad take a well deserved break. We will return them in good working order and the kids will be more than glad to see mom and dad come home, but in the mean time we will corrupt them with extra treats and expose them to new experiences. We will be typical grandparents. The kind that love their kids, but love their grand-kids just a little bit more, because they need us.

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