Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Going Home.

When I bought my first computer it was an Apple II. It consisted of a box and two floppy drives, back when floppy disks were flexible and actually flopped. Soon after came the first MacIntosh Apple (Mac) with less memory than my ROM Cache today (128K).
because Windows was nothing but a pale I had to convert to a PC for business reasons. Business went from mainframe to PC network. I actually had a head start on my contemporaries because Windows always was a pale imitation of the Mac. In fact, I became a coach in our companies effort to build a local area network (LAN). Became of that I became a home and office user because of the compatibility. Well now I'm retired and I want to go home.
I'm sick of error screens, inconsistent performance, problems with add on programs, and VIRUS threats.
Apple is easier, more intuitive and responsible. What do I mean by responsible? When a Mac has problems you don't get into those finger pointing sessions where the software guy is telling you the hardware's the problem and the hardware guy is telling you it's a software problem. They are probably sitting side by side in a call center in India laughing as they frustrate you.
The new Mac is just as easy to use, as it always has been. I like the compatibility with all of the applications I use and the files I have that mean something to me. I'm going home and I'm happy

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