Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The United States, World Power?

We are told that we live in the country that is the last remaining Super Power. Politicians, pundits and patriots preach that we have the best of any society on earth. We represent the finest in health care, educational opportunities and chances better ourselves, and these benefits are there for the taking.

Not only that, we are challenged by the current administration to spreed this freedom and bounty with the rest of the world, by force if necessary. We went to war in Iraq, President Bush would have us believe, to give the middle eastern countries a model for democracy.

Let's face the facts. We have failed to rebuild Iraq and New Orleans. We neither have the will, the assets or the organization to pull off both. We have bridges falling down in Minnesota, as the recipients of our largess in Iraq blow up the oil production facilities, hospitals and schools that we built for them.

Recent revelations from Medical Journals confirms that we've fallen in the world rankings in birth rates, life expectancy and excel in category of cost of health care per capita. On top of all of this we have more people who can afford the cost of health care and are not covered by insurance. However that compression is not fair. We are being compared to other western democracies that have government sponsored health care of one sort or another.

The whole mess in education is beyond the boundaries of this commentary. But can be summarized in findings that relate our low ranking among world students in math and science.
So, we as a world power we are losing in every category that matters. How does it feel to be a Super Power?

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