Sunday, January 27, 2008

Clinton's Folly, Bill that is...

No one owes more to a wife that stuck by him through thick and thin, than Bill Clinton. Be warned, I discount the Monica thing. She has been his conscience, his soul mate and his minister without portfolio during times when his enemies were people like Delay, Armey and Gingrich. This unholy force was enough to make anyone wish they were teaching at a small University in some obscure state, such as Arkansas rather than living in the bull ring that is Washington DC. Everything from her effort to straighten out the health care mess in the country to the hairstyle she chose was criticized by lead brains that included Moreen Dowd, who writes for a paper that is rumoured to be liberal. During the eight years of Bill's presidency she was vilified and hated by some of the highest ranking Christians and right wing nuts in the political spectrum.

Generally, Hilary Clinton was more intelligent than her opposition. She showed more class and restraint in the onset of attack after attack, than any of her partisan pot-shooters. The only time she really looked pathetic was when Bill lied. (I didn't have sex with that women.) She believed him at a time when she should have known better. At the time, she told the media that it was a conspiracy by the right wing. And it was, however for once they didn't need to rig the charge.

All of this being said, Bill has been on the campaign trail trying to get Hilary into his old job, and no one is working harder, maybe to hard. As you regular readers know I have my doubts about another Clinton White House, but that would not prevent me voting for her. I do like the prospects of an Obama White House, so sift my remarks good citizen, I'm not totally without bias.

Bill is swinging the ax that has two edges. He might cut Obama with his relentless, "his record isn't clean on the War in Iraq" and "he isn't experienced enough", but what happens dear friend when one of them becomes the nominee of the party? We will need both of them to form the coalition that will put this partisan gridlock behind us and get us moving again. That's when the other edge of the ax might hurt us.

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