Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I should be happy, but..

Today, November 8, 2006, candidates that support positions I support have won in our national election. From my old Wisconsin Eighth Congressional District to the Governorship of Wisconsin, we witness victory for people who have pledged to turn the business of government in a direction that favors the people and forces special interests to the background.

the people have said no to the backward looking politics of the far right and will force national politics to look to the future. Health care, the economy and the "War"* on terrorism will be looked at differently and hopefully more creatively.

But in Wisconsin, the state I have come to dearly love, we have voted for the gay bashing marriage amendment and the death penalty. Wisconsin law does not even allow Gay marriage and we've had constitutional Prohibition against the death penalty for over 150 years. Today, this day of the dawn of the rebirth of progressive thinking in our country my state chooses to move backwards. It saddens me.

*(I've am suspicious of efforts that get classified as war. We are losing the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty.)

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